Divers Den (Taka Dive)

Webpage: https://www.diversden.com.au
Famous: Coral Reef, Minke Whales, Sharks
Company: Deep Sea Divers Den
Dive Type: Dive Shop + Liveaboard
Address: Divers Den, 319 Draper Street, Cairns QLD 4870, Australia
Phone: +61 (07) 4046 7333
Email: info@diversden.com.au
OzDive Comment:
One of the best liveaboards to go to the outer Great Barrier Reef. The boat was big and comfy with plenty of food and amazing dive guides. The diving itself is amazing – no contest. Make sure to take an extended liveaboard so you have the chance to visit the Osprey Reef and Minke Whales – magnificent.
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